This is brilliant. 🤩 Thank you, Selda.

I've just deleted 50+ tasks from my task manager app. 🙌

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Nice one Alex! I love the sound of the delete button 🥳

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I wouldn't necessarily delete task artifacts just because of their age. I delete only if I make a conscious decision that something is no longer relevant or that I don't want to do it anymore. If I'm unsure about an item or simply don't have the capacity in the near future I'll add it into my incubator instead.

I do have a list of "pseudo tasks" I can qualify my lists against:


This once helped me get rid of 300 "tasks" that actually weren't real tasks...

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Thanks for engaging Dennis.

I know that you mean, not every item is always a ‘task’ per se. For me anything takes up mental space that could be attributed to something more important, is usually on my list.

Everyone is different though and will have their own way. I know a pseudo list wouldn’t work for me as my life is already busy enough without having more lists!

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My list of pseudo tasks is nothing to maintain. It’s more like a reference guide to follow when pruning one’s task manager much like you did here. Except it also at the same time raises your awareness of what shouldn’t have been there in the first place. So instead of adding things and feeling good about deleting them again it teaches you to add less from the beginning and not everything that takes up mental space should go there.

And from my experience, “being busy” is actually a very good indicator that more structure is needed, not less.

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Thanks for your perspective. Glad it works for you!

Yes my ‘busy’ is mostly made up of having two small kids, running the house, working full time, running an e-commerce business and now also writing! If it weren’t for the structures and routines that I currently have in place, there’s no way I would be able to do it all.

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