SELDA; You mentioned office distractions, This was the worst distraction ever. An office colleague asked this question once a week (drum roll) "Steve what did you have for dinner last night." Followed by 20min of BS banter. That happened in an architectural office in London.

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Oh God. That’s my worst nightmare. Look Steve, no one cares what you had for dinner last night 🤣

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SELDA; BS was actually the guys initials, BS complained to the company director; stating that I was disturbing him, and I got fired over that. I laugh now, but I didn't back then...!

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Gosh Karl, what a thing to get fired over. Sorry that happened to you.

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Thanks Selda, It did hurt, yet the director lied to get me out of the office. My father supports my brother who is a convict criminal. The same thing but this is a family issue. Believe me this hurts more because my father and brother are liars.

I can write about lies & deception as I have seen all sides of it…..the story Man-child is personal to me.

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That’s deep. Great fodder for your penmanship. ✍️

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I’d say that’s a positive Improvement right there 👍🏻

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Oh absolutely!!

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Really nicely written Selda. Now let me just go to the fridge and get some eggs (just kidding) :). I have found that since I started creating online it's given me much more of a focused purpose and so even if I do check notifications more than I should I often have a newsletter idea percolating int eh back of mind. This means that everything becomes inspiration of it. Now I want to see how I can get some egg throwing into my next article :)

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Thank you Benjamin! It's great that you've found a more focused purpose since writing online, and you're maxing out on the inspiration you're getting. It hasn't helped me with using my phone less, but I use it differently now. Now I'd rather check Substack than the news. :)

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