Amen! I love the two-minute rule.

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It’s such a simple one but always so effective!

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Back in 2017, I spent about 40 minutes a day on email, stressed by an overfilled inbox. Now, I hit inbox zero daily in less than five minutes, even with lots of newsletter subscriptions. What changed?

At first, automated time-tracking with RescueTime helped me realize how much time I was wasting on email. But the real game-changer was learning smart email triage. David Allen’s “2-minute rule” is great, but it’s even better when you realize you don’t need to read or reply to every email right away. Instead, just channel them forward: handle short replies on the spot, export longer ones to a task manager, send newsletters to read-later apps, and sometimes file emails as reference material. This way, I touch 95% of my emails only once.

I also stopped treating my email client like a task manager or storage place. Now, I see it more like WhatsApp—a tool purely for communication. Other than “waiting for” and “invoices,” I have no folders. Everything goes to the archive once dealt with.

With the right workflow, you don’t need fancy tools like Superhuman to save time. The right approach is sufficient.

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