Value your time. Saying no to the things you don’t get anything out is good.

Your time is a precious thing that will never come back once spent.

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That's so true Bryan. Once that moment is gone, it's gone. Thank you for reading and engaging :)

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Aug 23Liked by Selda Seyfi

Amazing!!! Selda

Say NO - Love it

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Thanks so much Sandip! Thank you for reading! I hope you’re well.

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This is a very informative and true! Thank you, Selda 🌻

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Thanks so much for reading and engaging Melanie! Hope you’re having a lovely day!

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Jul 18Liked by Selda Seyfi

Great read🌿

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Thanks so much Richa. Appreciate you reading and commenting!

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Great read!

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Thanks MacDaniel!

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Jul 16Liked by Selda Seyfi

You were definitely talking to me in this post. I need to say no, to a relationship with this guy. We've not even dated for 3months, he's ghosting and coming back like nothing happened, a nonchalant guy. I'm saying NO to him tomorrow, wish me luck.

Also, amazing post. xoxo❤️✨

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You can do this Caroline! You deserve much better than a ghoster. And you’re right, it sounds like a straight up ‘NO’ would work better in your situation. Good luck! Thanks for reading and engaging :)

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