
Thanks Stefano! Yes that is a great book.

Perhaps you’re right about outliers. That doesn’t account for the normal people I’ve met in US workplaces though.

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Very creative Selda. Nicely done. The Brits have a nasty reputation in most of Europe as having horrible teeth. I have to say the dentists in Germany do seem to have a strong focus on prevention rather than cure. Not sure about the US though

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Thanks Benjamin. It’s great to hear that Germany is focused on prevention.

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Great post Selda!

I’ve read the book Breath too and it’s very eye opening. Although Americans do consume a higher percentage of ultra processed foods in their diets. I wonder what the connection between them having a better smile and diets could be.

Maybe the athletes are outliers…

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Sep 2Liked by Selda Seyfi

Great title! Made me smile. However I don’t think there is a connection. Productivity is generally lower in the US than in Europe. This because insurance and sickness arrangements are typically worse and people tend to have less time to relax in the US. I would say people value looks a lot more in the US and character a bit less than in Europe. Curious to hear what other people think!

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Thanks Marcel! I totally appreciate your view here. There are potentially many reasons why productivity might be lower/higher. And of course the vanity metric did cross my mind, but wanted to see if I could establish a link anyway!

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There is likely an element of vanity, but the fact that Americans hold oral health to such a high standard is a signal for how much we value health in general. That's my take. The mouth, teeth, and the alignment of the teeth are directly related to the health of much of the rest of the body, as they're so close to the head and the blood there. Just ask Selda'a TCM doctor. Sure vanity plays a part. I'll have to admit, when you have a beautiful smile and mouth, you radiate strength and health. It makes me curious about you and wonder about you. Also, I know so many people from the Caribbean and Nigeria who have amazing teeth...they probably value good teeth too

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Very interesting. Some American colleagues told me that it’s commonplace for youngsters to get braces from a young age to prevent misalignment. Is that true? It’s hardly ever offered here in the UK, but probably should be!

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Ugh. Can't agree with this. I'm sorry, but Europeans stereotype Americans so much and think we're so vain and obsessed with nothing but work. If you talk with more Americans, you may find that that may be not as true as you think

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Interesting topic although the connection between those things it's a bit of a stretch.

I have the teeth of a person who spent too much time living in a city desk-bound.

Now, (this year) I traded all of that to going back to the roots and be more like our ancestors, farmer gatherers. Wake up before sunrise and go to rest after sunset.

Let's see if the lifestyle change helps with my oral health as well.

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Hey Juan, thanks for reading and commenting.

I know what you mean. It is a bit of stretch to connect the two, but it was fun trying! I really enjoyed writing this one haha.

Very cool that you’re going back to the ways of our ancestors… or as close as you can do without forgoing electricity I imagine.

Apparently we can create new stem cells in our jaws through hard chewing, so it may just work!

You’ll have to keep us posted.

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You're right. As close as possible without becoming an Amish. 😆

That's something super interesting. I've heard about stem cells but never thought it would apply to the teeth and gums.

But like you mention, it can work, I'll just have to try. 😬🦷

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The human body is a masterpiece! Anything is possible!

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Very original and interesting!

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Thank you Rachael! I will definitely take that as a compliment!

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Great article! You've found a unique angle on an evergreen topic. This isn't easy to do!

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Thank you Diane! What a lovely comment. I appreciate your kind words 🤍

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Whoa Selda... this is really starting to click for me. There's a saying "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" to say that the mouth is a huge signal about overall health.

This reminds me i need to get a dental checkup!!

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Whoa Selda... this is really starting to click for me. There's a saying "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" to say that the mouth is a huge signal about overall health.

This reminds me i need to get a dental checkup!!

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Haha, glad I could be of assistance! I have my dental check up on Friday!

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