That is really helpful. By challenging yourself, you're actually improving yourself, and there's no one to envy other than yourself.

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That’s such a good observation Vishvendra! Thank you for reading and commenting!

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It's a good read though. You're welcome 🤗

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Thank you for being kind!

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Aug 10Liked by Selda Seyfi

It's so easy to read or watch a lot about a topic, but in the end, you have to actually implement it. That's where most people fail. I see it in myself. I watched a 4-hour copywriting course but haven't yet applied copywriting effectively in an email or tried to get my first clients. Taking action is key!

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Totally Aaron. Action is where the magic happens!

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Selda I'd love to see an article about you how you create a GPT to do stuff for you! Someone mentioned building one on Human Design, they put in their chart, and then it spits out useful info back at them from all the blog posts on the Internet. I thought that was so cool but had no clue how to do that. Would be wonderful if you could show us how!

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That’s cool Renee! Thanks for sharing what would be helpful for you! Will add it to my list 😊

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Great points. and funny you mention GPT. Is that how you create your artwork? I signed up for at the weekend and am still testing things out. Trying to make a new banner for my publications

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Thanks Benjamin! Yes I use ChatGPT DALL-E to create my images. It takes a bit of practice, but you soon get the hang of it!

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great. by the way I replied to your last email but it got blocked/rejected…maybe because you only sent it out to a few people? The one about linked in.

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Mmmm how strange… I did receive a few replies, not sure why yours wouldn’t come through…

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I especially love number 2: Find a reason to use the thing you’re learning, in your day-to-day life! It does not matter so much to have everything become your latest obsession and aiming to reach mastery, but putting things to use in your day-to-day life ultimately makes you select the things you put your time and energy on to learn more wisely ☺️

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Yes absolutely Fabienne! You have to choose your obsessions wisely 😊

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