I’ve found that involving other people, as you say, really helps to evolve our points of view. No one benefits from hearing the same thing all the time, or not being challenged.

Sometimes a dissenting opinion is exactly what we need to cause reflection. Just asking AI for other points of view on a topic is a great way to stimulate thought.

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Yes exactly Rasmus. And best to get that dissenting opinion before you get too far down the track of working on something. Otherwise you could end up spending a lot of your time reworking what you’ve already done.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

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What’s up w u today Selly? U quiet or what?

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Its been a very productive day!

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Brutal. Next time let me know. I’ll make extra applesauce.

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Will do!

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Well in my incredibly boring life, I got my kids ready for school and made breakfast, meditated, cleaned the house for 2 hours, spoke to my accountant and got some great insights from the chat, made lunch, wrote some more of an article outlining the 4th principle of design thinking, did a 40 min strength workout, picked up my kids from school/nursery, took them to gymnastics, made dinner, had an after dinner disco with the family, got my youngest into bed, watched a bit more of a film with hubby, and now I’m going to bed!


No wonder I’m tired.

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I like this post. Designing in a bubble, really does not work. From experience; It pisses people off...I attended some design studios in University, but I missed a lot more. One lecturer hated me on a personal level, one more liked my design work but no me. The third lecturer didn't like my attendance record but he was fair in his assessment on the design work.

When I presented my furniture design project at studio....The third lecturer said this: "Nice to see in the studio for a change, did you have nice holiday?" (Brutal yet Fair)

I'll never forget one!

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Thanks for reading and engaging with your personal experiences Karl.

Sorry you had to go through that, but you're right - doing anything in a bubble really doesn't work!

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Being honest, I probably created the issue with the lectures as they thought I was an arrogant student, I wasn’t because I lacked confidence at that stage of my life. On hindsight, I learned the hard way.

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Well you live and you learn! That’s what life is all about!

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